About Us
What is
Equine-Assisted Coaching?
Young people can struggle with social, emotional and behavioural issues for many reasons. A one-off traumatic event, such as a bereavement, can have an impact on a person’s ability to cope as can a series of events, such as abuse which might cause these issues to be rooted in their own biography.
New ways of thinking and reacting to thoughts and emotions can help with self-esteem, positive interaction with others, and can assist in having a more settled sense of self that is indicative to being open to learn. The idea behind coaching is that a solution or way forward is found by exploring options with the young person and helping that person to find a way that works best for him or for her rather than directing or instructing. Coaching young people whilst they interact with horses has been found to be a particularly effective approach in this area.
Somerset Equus is a young person led centre where we aim to meet the individual needs of each person.
Our sessions are supported by Kolb’s learning style theory where the impetus for the development of new concepts is provided by experiences. Every young person is given the opportunity to enjoy new experiences in a safe and supportive environment.
Kolb’s learning style theory model (www. simplypyschology.org.uk)